Alice in Wonderland. Lewis Carroll (englische Ausgabe)


„Alice im Wunderland“, das weltberühmte Kinderbuch von Lewis Carroll als Fremdsprachentext in englischer Sprache mit 42 Illustrationen von John Tenniel

The famous children’s book with illustrations by John Tenniel:
Alice falls through a rabbit hole into a fantasy world: the Wonderland. It is a world full of strange creatures, a world in which everything seems to be upside down, including logic. On her adventurous journey she meets the White Rabbit and the smoking Caterpillar, the mysterious Cheshire Cat and the Duchess with her screaming baby. She swims through a sea of tears, makes a tea party with the March Hare, the Hatter, and the very tired Dormouse, plays Croquet with the always dissatisfied Queen of Hearts and attends a strange trial.