Greenhouse Gas – Bury it into Oblivion

Options and Risks of CO2 Capture and Storage


Approximately one third of the global CO2 emissions is caused by fossil fuel-fired power plants. Recently, the option of capturing the generated carbon
dioxide and of storing it underground is the subject of controversial debates. Appropriate procedures could reach maturity for large-scale technical deployment in about 15 to 20 years. However, there still are considerable gaps of knowledge to be filled before it will be possible to answer the question whether the capture and storage of carbon dioxide could really be a sustainable option for climate protection. What are the technologically most efficient procedures? What are the potential savings regarding CO2? What are the safety risks and environmental impacts arising from the CO2 storage sites? What are the costs of these technologies? Overall, it has to be questioned whether the concept of CO2 capture and storage can be integrated into the structure of the energy system and whether it can be competitive compared to other options to mitigate CO2 (energy efficiency, renewable energy sources). This book compiles the current state of knowledge and state of discussion and develops options for a social debate (keyword: acceptance) as well as adequate legal framework conditions.