Too young to retire and searching for fresh inspirations, Max quits his corporate career and travels South. He lands on La Pacifica, a hidden island in the Mediterranean sea.
In the solitude of the Olive Grove and while hiking on unmarked trails across the mountains, he dives deep inside. In his quest, Max is supported by ravens, hawks and lizards, and encouraged by his witty, philosophical neighbors.
„Just do what makes you happy,“ they suggest. As if life were that easy? The residents on La Pacifica live what they preach. A surprising island in many ways. But is that the way for Max? Will that pay the rent? And be a worthy call?
- Veröffentlicht am Donnerstag 22. April 2021 von Karin Hatzmann
- ISBN: 9783982305011
- 310 Seiten
- Genre: Belletristik, Gegenwartsliteratur (ab 1945)