Neue Zeitschrift für Musik

Film von Peider A. Defilla / Reihe "musica viva – forum der gegenwartsmusik". DVD.

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In the films of this DVD, Peider A Defilla provides an insight into the oeuvre of Hans Werner Henze. The films show musica-viva performances of the works ’Antifone’, ’Nachtstücke und Arien’, ’Was können wir tun’ – Duett from the opera ’König Hirsch’, ’Fraternité’ and ’Appassionatamente’, and the respective BR-alpha broadcasts on these compositions.
In two interviews, the composer Hans Werner Henze is asked about his compositional oeuvre.
In addition, the data section of the DVD contains further information on Hans Werner Henze, the performers and the DVD edition with many useful Internet links.