Opern der Welt

Einführung und Kommentar. Textbuch/Libretto.


‚La Bohème‘ is Puccini’s fourth opera and was premiered in Turin in 1896. The tale of the consumptive Mimi goes back to a story by Henri Murger, ‚Scènes de la vie de Bohème‘. Puccini set the topic to music, true to his artistic creed: ‚Against everything and everyone – composing operas with melodies‘. The result was an opera with an almost inexhaustible abundance of enchanting melodies which have moved many a listener to tears.In this edition, Kurt Pahlen juxtaposes the Italian text with the translation of the libretto frequently used at German theatres, adding information on the compositional structure and context to the musical as well as external and internal dramatic action of the opera. A short synopsis and a brief outline of the genesis bring the work into relation with the composer’s entire oeuvre and life, thus offering a comprehensive, richly illustrated introduction.