This carefully designed publication does not only serve as a guidebook for the group show FULL HOUSE. With its layout and design, it can also be seen and used as a game or game set. It is not solely a reflection of the exhibition’s title or of a particular hand of cards or constellation of dots on the dice in games of chance. Instead, historical facts and anecdotes about Molsdorf Palace and its former owner, Count Gustav Adolph von Gotter (1692 Gotha – 1762 Berlin), and information about the participating artists and they works are presented to the reader on three textual layers – for him to “freely combine” at will. Thus, it is also made clear that history is primarily a construct that leads to as many different stories as there are people involved in its writing. In the one-of-a-kind group show FULL HOUSE at Molsdorf Palace, 13 fantastical works of contemporary art and design hark bac

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These conversations about Spin / Verso / Contour complement the essay by Maja Naef, which was released by Revolver Publishing in 2012 as Film as Corporeal Exposition – On Spin / Verso / Contour by Hannes Schüpbach. Each of these conversations comes to different conclusions about this work, which by definition treats film as both fragmentary and gestural. Film can articulate a real encounter; it can reflect a memory, or it can become an exhibition – as expanded cinema – or a spatiality that draws the viewer in. This volume contains eight conversations: six in German, one in French and two in English. They follow an introduction by Maja Naef in which she explores language and articulation as the vital core of Schüpbach’s silent, moving images.

Conversations, 2012–13, with Ruth Anderwald and Leonhard Grond, Kunsthalle Wien: Hasenherz (G) — Maja Naef, Stadtkino Basel (G) — François Bovier, École cantonale d’art de Lausanne (F) — Maja Naef, Filmpodium Zurich (G) — Andreas van Dühren, Arsenal, Berlin (G) — Marco Baschera, Jürg Berthold, Sebastian Bott, Johannes Thomann, Christina Vogel, Matthias Vogel, Zurich (G) — Amy Beste, School of the Art Institute of Chicago: Conversations at the Edge (E) — Vincent Katz, Anthology Film Archives, New York (E).