Through the Looking-Glass. Lewis Carroll (englische Ausgabe)

And What Alice Found There


Die berühmte Fortsetzung von Lewis Carrolls Kinderbuch „Alice im Wunderland“ als Fremdsprachentext im englischen Original mit den 50 Original-Illustrationen von John Tenniel.

The famous second part of »Alice in Wonderland«, illustrated by John Tenniel:
Alice climbs through a mirror into a curious wonderland. Everything there is reversed – even the logic: Whoever runs, does not come from the spot. Whoever approaches something moves away from it. And lifeless chess pieces are brought to life – as well as the characters from funny nursery rhymes. In this land she gets into a great chess game and sets off to become a queen. On her adventurous journey she meets the strange twins Tweedledum and Tweedledee, Humpty Dumpty, Queens and Knights and Kings.