Verse and Tile

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Der Gedichtband Verse and Tile entstand im Poetic Writing Workshop der Universität Duisburg-Essen. Dabei sind die Stile und Themen der englischen Texte so „versatile“ (vielseitig) wie die elf Dichter und Dichterinnen. Inspiriert vom Leben, zeichnen sich diese Gedichte durch frische Perspektiven, Witz und Liebe zur englischen Sprache und Literatur aus.


Lena Mattheis: Forth; Three Summer Poems; Toss the dice; Two Musical Poems; Of my first disobedience (When I stopped being God); Three Dirty Poems |

Sylvia Nienhaus: Memories; Sticky Thoughts; Drowning; The Sea; City Life; Surrender; Writer´s Block; Spring; Death; Beach Life; About Time; Entrapment |

Sandra Herold: Breach; Autumn’s Glow; A Many-Headed Beast; Of Home; A Bright Winter’s Morn’; Drums of War; Dragon |

Jascha Kattmann: Horsecockery; Hayrolling; Requiem (or: A Little on the Nose); Of Lobsters and Goldfish; Inconceivable Discovery; Chimera Heat; All Saints Lost; Mistress Muse; The Trophy |

Marian Schmidt: Frater ave atque vale!; Atreides, Atreides!; ´Tis But The Tale of the Season;
Morpheus was watching; Laconian Eulogy; The Eighth Tile of Gilgamesh (Fragment); Insignificance; As we speak we turn to stone |

Lioba Schreyer: Birds of Passage; War-torn Letters; Fall; My thermo-cup doesn’t keep its promise; Letters; There Are Better Stories Than His; Love Ruins; Recollecting A Decade |

Julia Linne: Sweet Dreams, Love; To the Continent; clone; Growing Wings; Old Town |

Robin Frischkorn: Rising Sun; Between Realities; To Homer; Horkenstein; Emperors Fall;
The Carving on her Gravestone |

Frida Heitland: St. George’s Hall, Liverpool; March; Stay; A Many-Headed Beast; Ways We Keep Warm; New Tracks for Old Feet; A Rider Detached; 26 Lego Blocks; How to Train your Daemon; Dusty Coats and Amber-Makers |

Daniela Langolf: Window Frame; Reading to a Cat; Reading to a Boy (or The Collector of E’s); A Cautionary Tale; Mother; Sibling Rivalry; Gulls; An Anniversary; What I Think; To Dexter, my CGM |

Torsten Caeners: A Quartet of Voices; Unwoken; The White Goddess; The Return